Friday, January 8, 2021

Prompt #23

 Happy New Year!! Looking forward to a better routine in 2021. Our first prompt centers on one word: Create. What does it mean to you? What do you want to create?


I want to create peace within myself. Generate calm instead of fear. A cocoon to keep away the pain. Spin joy around the sadness in my heart. Build a new foundation to replace the one destroyed. Trust, confidence, empathy, love.  Take the negative and transform into the butterfly I was always meant to be. Reform broken bonds with the gold of friendship and support. Become beautiful at the broken parts.

As we move into 2021, what do you want to create?

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Rachel Grant - Beyond Surviving

 I have been reading Rachel Grant's book Beyond Surviving and it is amazing!!! She describes the stages of healing and what we need to move from one stage to the next. Her insight is incredible. You'll find yourself nodding along, wondering how she got into your head! She includes "homework" and journaling prompts that are invaluable! I'll even be using some for our Friday prompts. 😃

Check out her website full of resources: 

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Prompt #22

 This week's prompt is all about the changing of the seasons: What have you learned over the spring and summer? What experiences are you grateful for? What are some things you need to let go of in order to strengthen and grow into the fall? 

This spring and summer have been like no other, that's for sure. Throughout this unprecedented time I have learned that I resilient. I am able to adapt. I am able to carve out a new normal, a new routine for myself. I am able to stay positive and keep my spirits up for my son's sake. I have learned that I crave connection. Isolation has been hard for this extrovert. I like keeping busy and love having plans. I am happiest when I am around family and friends and am the first to institute get togethers. But I have taken the time afforded me and am working on self-improvement and self-care. I started writing more - including creating this blog. I am reading again and realizing how much I missed it. I even downloaded an app and am learning Spanish. It's my lemonade I made from the lemons I was given. :-)

I am grateful for the extra time I have had with my son. For walks as a family. Movie nights and board game nights. Jumping in the trampoline with my son. The quarantine has made us more conscious and mindful of the time we spend together. I am grateful for flexibility and work. I am grateful for friends and family and the time we are able to spend together.

I need to let go of the need to control everything. I know it stems from my anxiety - but I need to remember that there is only so much that is in my control. If it's out of my control, I need to let it go! I need to let go of trying to be perfect. I am only human and I have to stop beating myself up for every little mistake. Giving myself grace and realizing that there are some things outside of my control will make navigating through the chaoticness of life a little easier.

Now it's your turn. What reflections do you have on spring and summer? How are you entering fall?

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Prompt # 21

 This week's prompt is: What would your ideal day look like if you could design it yourself?

My day:

I would sleep in and wake up completely refreshed. Then I would get dressed and take a walk in nature with my family, getting fresh air and watching the sun rise. Afterwards I would have a delicious breakfast of chocolate chip waffles. Once I finished, I would grab a cup of hot chocolate and hide myself away with my notebook and pen and write. My son would break in as I was putting the final touches on my story and we would have an impromptu dance party. Lunch would be a hearty bowl of soup. Then we would create some art together. Friends and family would come over and we would play board games, laughing and having fun together. Dinner would be outside (who doesn't love a good cook-out). Dessert would be smores over a campfire. As the day would down I would watch a good movie cuddled on the couch with my husband, son, and cats. Lastly, I would relax in a bubble bath, reading until the water turned cold and I was sleepy. I would have pleasant dreams of a day well spent.

Your turn! What would your perfect day look like? Once it's written down, look to see if there are different themes that come up for you (In mine I can see an underlying theme of nature/grounding, creativity, and connection) More importantly, see if you can put some of these activities into your day. Can you put a 15 minute run into your morning or nightly routine? Can you go to bed even 10 minutes earlier to read a chapter or two a night? Can you schedule a monthly girls/guys night? Make a date with yourself and put yourself on your calendar!!! 

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Prompt # 20

 This week's prompt is all about our ideal life. If you could wave a magic wand and create your perfect life, what would it look like? Who would you be with? Where would you live? What would you be doing? Dream big!!

My perfect life would start off with living with my husband and son somewhere near water. Water has always been soothing to me.  I love swimming, love the freeing sense of floating. The beach is my happy place. The sound of the rushing or lapping water calms my nerves and a beautiful lake view can brighten the darkest day. Being on a boat is like being in Heaven. 

I would have lots of time to read and write. Stories take me away and allow me to take a break when reality gets to be too much. Journaling and writing has always been healing for me. In my dream life this would go one step further and I would have collections of poetry published as well as a book of my journal entries and prompts. I know it's cheesy but I love the idea of signing books and hearing others' stories of their own healing. 

I would still be an advocate. I am extremely lucky and grateful that I get to do something I love. It's an unbelievable sense of fulfillment to help others. I would continue spending my time working to create a safer world for all. I can't see myself doing anything else. It's in my DNA. 

I would spend lots of time with friends and family. I love planning and throwing parties. We would get together regularly - movie nights, board game nights, mystery nights, barbecues, dance parties, fancy dinners - it doesn't matter as long as it's spent with great people and good vibes. 

I am working to make this dream real. As I put my calendar together each week, I am now scheduling time for myself to both read and write. This makes sure that I have that time set aside. If it's in my planner I have to do it! I am looking into agents and working on book proposals. It's one step - but it's a step in the right direction.

Unfortunately COVID has put a damper on get togethers....but I am still cultivating my friendships. Zoom meets, phone calls, Skype and Facebook messages ensure we still connect. And once this is over I am putting on the biggest party ever!

I am continuing to advocate for others. My last breath will probably be in service of survivors everywhere! Raising awareness is important to me, and I might even have a few surprises up my sleeves for next April!

Slowly but surely I am working to make my dream life a reality. I am blessed that they started out not so far apart.

Your turn - what does your dream life look like? How can you work to make it a reality? Let us know in the comments!

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Prompt #19

 This week's prompt is all about building self-esteem. Trauma cloaks us in shame and guilt. We need to take back our sense of self-worth. This prompt will help you see all the wonderful aspects of yourself.

I like myself because: I am a human being worthy of love, care, and respect. I do my best to be kind and considerate and help others.

I'm an expert at: working with others

I feel good about: all the work I do with survivors

I'm loved by: my family and friends

People say I am a good: listener

I consider myself a good: friend

I feel good when: I am hanging out with my family or helping others

I've been successful at: creating a fulfilling career

The traits I admire in myself are: kindness, intelligence, love, determination, caring

My favorite accomplishment is: creating a series of events of Sexual Assault Awareness Month

Toot your own horn now!! Finish the statements and tell me the best parts of you in the comments!!

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Prompt # 18

 This week's prompt is to write your purpose statement. What do you feel you are set on Earth to do? This helps focus us and our goals, as well as giving us a reason to keep moving forward. 

My purpose is to inspire other survivors; to bring light to their darkness. I want to model healing and perseverance. My story will be a guide for others. I will utilize my voice to speak for those who have lost theirs. My ears will listen to their stories, listen to their pain. My arms will bring comfort. My heart will beat for them when they feel like they can't go on. I will be their advocate.

Where does your purpose lie?